Christmas Charades What better time to play Christmas Charades than right now?  My kids are out of school and my husband will be having some vacation time too so I want to make sure that we have some INTENTIONAL fun.  It’s so easy for Christmas break to rush by and I’m determined to do more than just send them to another room to watch TV!  These charades have pictures with them to make them more kid friendly.  Click here for Christmas charades words only if you just want to print off the words for old school charades!  The words only version has several more items on it ideal for older kids or adults.

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go here Make sure to change your printer setting to black and white if you want to save money on ink. Or, if you want to go all out with the full color you can use card-stock paper so that they are sturdier and pack them up with your Christmas decorations so you can enjoy this game again next year!
christmas charades

enter Older kid helping younger kid play charades


How To Play Charades

Tramadol Online Next Day Delivery If you have a large group you can split up into two teams and be competitive.  If you have teams members only guess when a member of their team is acting out charades.  If you have a smaller group, or lots of little kids I recommend not being competitive.  Just explain to your kiddos that they can’t speak, and that they are to act out or pretend to be whatever is on the slip of paper.  It’s OK to whisper in little ones’ ears and help them out… after all this is supposed to be fun! Have you seen our free Christmas Memory game?  It’s lots of fun too.  And please don’t forget to print off your free Christmas Placemats so that little hands can be kept busy while the adults are talking during your family meal.

Christmas Charades Page 1 christmas charades 1 printable 


Christmas Charades Page 2


christmas activities

Tramadol Online Cod Overnight Click the link below to print Christmas charades

see  christmas charades 2 printable


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