Review Suave Professionals Keratin Infusion Color Care Shampoo and Conditioner follow link I L-O-V-E to change my hair color. For the last five years I’ve been addicted to new styles. If you haven’t seen me in awhile chances are I look different. (click here for my hairstyle gallery) In my constant quest for change it often leaves my hair less than happy with me. This makes the challenge of finding proper hair care products very important because there is one look I’m not yet ready to try… bald.

follow url Last month I saw a commercial for Suave Professionals Keratin Infusion Color Care Shampoo and Conditioner. Darn those advertisers knowing exactly which shows I watch. The model smiled with her perfect flowing shiny hair (don’t they always). Curious about the whole Keratin trend I decided to pick up the shampoo/conditioner combo the next time I was at Target. Here is my review after one month of using the products.

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1. Initial Thoughts I could immediately tell a difference from the Garnier Fructis Color Shield Shampoo and Conditioner I had been using preveiously. The Suave Professionals Keratin Infusion Shampoo is very thick and felt like a glaze of protection coating my hair. I liked how the shampoo felt on my hair, but not the sticky residue it left on my hands. The conditioner had a similar “sticky” feeling that needed to be washed off my hands with soap and water.

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2. After One Month

Diazepam Buy Now I noticed less frizz even after blow drying my hair. My color faded, but no more than with other color protection products. I definiately liked the smoother feeling, but began to notice that my hair was much drier than it has ever been.

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3. Final Thoughts Overall I like the Suave Professionals Keratin Infusion Color Care Shampoo and Conditioner, but I feel it is too intense for daily use. I did notice less frizz and smoother hair, but the over drying made styling more difficult. The price is right for sure and maybe your hair will react differently than mine. As for me, I’m going to continue to use it, but alternate it with Garnier Fructis Color Shield Shampoo and Conditioner.

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Valium Cheapest These opinions are my own. I was not paid to write this review for Suave Professionals Keratin Infusion Color Care Shampoo and Conditioner. watch
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