Managing Holiday Stress
Posted by Joquena on Friday, December 12, 2014 · Leave a Comment
Hello all you Modern Homemakers,
I don’t know if it’s just me but I feel as if the holidays come with a decent share of stress. Which is crazy, right? I mean Christmas is supposed to be a good thing. Getting together with family and friends, time off work, and special activities and gifts. But I’ve had to stop myself multiple times this week from little panic attacks.
- Will I get the shopping done?
- Will I be able to finish making presents?
- Will we have enough money to do those special family activities I had planned?
- How can I squeeze everyone I want to see into one month?
- What food am I going to make?
- All of this is taking away my work time how will I ever catch up?
- All of this “fun family time” makes a lot of messes!
- Stress! Stress! Stress!
And then I had a moment of clarity. All of these “stressors” and “burdens” were things that I’ve essentially put on myself. So I’ve decided it’s time to prioritize. One of the main reasons I like being a homemaker is because I get to choose what to do with my time. So how did I let that get away from me?
I still want to do all of those things. But it’s time to prioritize. I’m taking each day as it comes. Dealing with one thing on my list at a time. And realizing that I’m human so not everything is going to get done. And strangely enough I’m ok with that.
Okay fellow homemakers… I’d love to hear some feedback. Am I the only one who is experiencing a holiday meltdown? What all are you overwhelmed by, and do you have any good ideas for coping with all of the extra “to do’s” of the holiday season?
Wishing you all the best of luck in managing your stress load,
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