Consignment Sales – A Great Way to Buy and Sell Items For Kids
What are Consignment Sales?
Cod Tramadol Online Consignment sales are when multiple people sell their used items in a big space and make a percentage of the profit. The seller (or consignor) gets to name the price of their items. The more the seller is involved in helping with the sale the more profit they tend to make. There are two sides to consignment sales: BUYING gently used (usually brand name) items at the fraction of the cost.
- CONSIGNING your used (usually brand name) items to make money.
source link Is consigning a, “leave your job and become rich solution”? No, but you can make little money on the side, which feels nice for a homemaker who hasn’t seen a big paycheck in awhile! Call me crazy, but I think it is fun. Also, it is being green without forking out the green ($$). Consignment sales are a great way to buy and sell kid’s items.
go to siteYou can spend the money you make in the following ways:
- towards a date with the hubs
- towards a cruise with family OR just the hubs
- clothes for your kids (at a consignment sale of course for the super frugal)
- pottery classes
- those super-cute shoes you were eyeing up last week
- new furniture
- Gas money—that’s kinda boring
enter I first experienced the world of consigning in 2007 before my 1st child was born. A friend from our small group had told me about a nearby sale. To this day, the sale she told me about is a favorite. I look forward to going twice a year and have branched out to peruse other sales. Actually, most of the clothes my children wear are purchased at consignment sales. Kids grow like weeds; why buy clothing full price (especially name brand) when they are going to outgrow it in a few months or find your sharpies and decorate themselves? The first few years we would go (it is a family affair in our household) and purchase clothing, games, toys, books, etc. We like to go on the discount days to buy the items that are half off. You wouldn’t believe some of the items we have purchased: almost new $30 outfits (pants and shirts, or dress and shirt) for $5, dvds for $2,a Baby Bjorn infant carrier for $5, to name a few.
see here While cleaning out closets early this year I found some clothes, movies, books, and other miscellaneous items we no longer needed. So, I decided to give it a try. Thankfully I had saved a bunch of wire hangers and safety pins from prior sales (an example of when hoarding actually paid off!!). After the kiddos went to bed or while they were taking naps I would hang/pin my items while watching a movie or mini-series. I am a BBC mini-series junkie.
source link Nowadays they have online programs that create tags for your items. You simply fill out the item, size, gender, etc. and it prints it out along with an individual barcode for the item. Super nifty and easy! During my first sale I made about 50 dollars and learned what sells best, what doesn’t sell, and how to present the items, etc. The fall sales are currently going on and I consigned a bit more this time around. And, I almost DOUBLED my profit. With my earnings I was able to purchase a sit and stand stroller which we will need for a trip to Disney World soon. It was either renting one there for $30 plus a day and not having it in the airport OR spending 80 dollars on a very gently used stroller that we can have in the airport, parks, and when we get back to town!!
Order Tramadol Overnight UkFind Consignment Sales in Your Area: Kids Consignment Sales
Consignment Mommies
or Google: “Consignment Sale (your city)”
Good Items to Consign or Buy at Sales:
- nursing pillows
- nursery décor, bedding, etc.
- parenting books
- children’s books
- children/ baby clothes
- strollers
- furniture
- bouncers
- exersaucers
- bumbos
- toys
- train/ Activity tables
- shoes (I have seen many cute shoes like Stride Rite, Gap, Crocs for a fraction of the cost)
Helpful Items to Have When Consigning:
- wire hangers
- safety pins of all sizes
- Ziploc bags of different sizes
- plastic comforter/sheets/pillow bags and zip bags
- laundry baskets
Us Tramadol Online I will post in more detail on how to consign your items in the near future. If you missed the fall sales, check in February to see when the spring sales will be in your area. Whether you are looking for items or wanting to purge your attic, consignment sales are awesome!

Tramadol Next Day Visa When we got the girls I went shopping at my first consignment sale. It was like a big themed garage sale. It was fun, but I don’t think I’ll do it again. I loathe shopping so when I go I need to know there’s going to be enough things in the sizes I need so I can GET IT OVER with. Plus I give all my hand me downs to you and Joquena. That way I get to see them again being worn or played with by all my cute nieces and nephews. 🙂 I know this is going to make me seem really pathetic… but the ONLY day I’d be willing to go to a consignment sale is on the last day where everything is discounted even further. For my budget I could care less about name brands… and even a consignment sale can be overpriced. I try not to even got to Goodwill except on the 1st Sat of the month where EVERYTHING in the store is half priced. Even I can pay $1 for a shirt! Great post!! We are newer to the scene, but we have over 1800 consignment listings on our site at – right now, it’s the most comprehensive national list you can find! Thanks, Chrissy. I will update this post by adding your great website. Your site looks wonderful.