Chapter 12 Quiz – The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson Quiz)

follow What greek god or goddess would you be if you could choose? Let me know in the comments because I’m super curious. I think I’d go with Athena because she’s manipulative and crafty haha! Scroll down to take the chapter 12 quiz for Percy Jackson’s The Lightning Thief. 1. Where did Percy, Grover, and Annabeth sleep?
 2. True or False: The group slept in shifts.


follow 3. Who did Grover want to search for?
 4. True or False: Percy had a dream about the minotaur and his mother disappearing and him being surrounded by the spirits of the dead. 5. What was the pink poodle’s name?


Tramadol Purchase Uk 6. How were the three going to get money to travel west?


see url 7. How much money was the reward for?


see 8. Where were the tickets for?
 9. What mode of transportation were they going to take?


Tramadol Buying Uk 10. True or False: The train was leaving in two days.

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