Chapter 4 Quiz – The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson Quiz)

source link I’m sure I’m not the only parent out there struggling to find chapter by chapter quizzes to test their children’s reading comprehension. Sadly, when I tried searching for individual chapter quizzes for Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief I struck out big time. The last thing I wanted was to pay to help my child with their homework, so I needed something free! So hopefully this helps some of you as well, because what parent doesn’t want their child to understand what they read so they can pass the big test at school?

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  3. The creature that was chasing Percy was half man and half what?

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Order Valium 10Mg 5. What did Percy’s mom tell him to run towards?
 6. True or False: Gabe’s car was destroyed.


enter 7. True or False: The creature had a really good sense of sight. 8. What happened when the creature got a hold of Percy’s mom?


watch 9. Percy broke off one of the creature’s what?
 10. What happened after Percy stabbed the creature in the ribs?


Buy Valium Toronto Looking for more Percy Jackson chapter quizzes? You can find the chapter 1 quiz for the Lightning Thief HERE, and the chapter 2 quiz HERE., and the chapter 3 quiz HERE.

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