Juice Fast Day 17


fat sick and nearly dead juice fast

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go here It’s juice fast day 17 and I’m about ready to be done with this cleanse.

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Juice Fast Day 17


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VIDEO TRANSCRIPT – Juice Fast Day 17

Can You Buy Real Tramadol Online Modern Homemakers theme song and intro, Day 17, I’m going on a juice fast, because I’m sick of looking like this, and feeling sick all the time, I want to look like I did before kids, I need to be healthy and alive for these guys, please subscribe to our youtube channel.


https://penielenv.com/ewihad7t Day 17, I’m trying to figure out how long I’m going to go today. I was fine all day, and then I don’t know evenings seem to be hard for me. Probably touching everyone’s food, but I was touching food all day for everyone, I don’t know. Anyway trying to figure out how long. Definitely still have lots of productivity and lots of energy throughout the day, I mean I was on my feet all day did fine with that. I’m definitely moody tonight, moody, moody, moody. I don’t know what to do about that.


here Trying to stay strong and not break, but I’m whiny and moody tonight. So, I went and grabbed some groceries and walked down all the aisles and stared at other people who were overweight and that kind of helped me keep going. Probably a horrible thing to admit to doing. But anyway, I was walking down all the aisles and looking at all the foods that can’t be a part of our diets anymore, and that was interesting too. Anyway, day 17 I’m going to keep it short. Today I’m just glad I continued. That’s it. Looking for yummy juice recipes? Spinach apple juice. I’m not a doctor. This is just my juicing journey. You should always consult with a DR before making any radical changes to your health or diet.



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