How To Make A Necklace
here To Make A Necklace Here’s how to make a necklace using the easiest crochet stitch there is. This is a great beginner crochet project and you can keep it for yourself or it also makes a great handmade gift! Which with Christmas right around the corner who doesn’t need some more ideas for homemade presents? This project cost me less than a dollar to make.
clicksource site Pssst! Don’t tell anyone, but if you use scrap yarn this is a FREE present that you can make in less than an hour! Some people seem to have a stigma about homemade presents but don’t let that stop you. You shouldn’t have to spend too much money and hurt your budget to “prove” your love to your friends and family. Your time is important too, and yes the thought does count. It’s all to easy to whip out the plastic and start charging everything you think your loved ones need. I challenge you to set a budget and stick to it. Do you have any ideas for homemade presents?