10 Tips To Plan A Birthday Party On A Budget
https://www.amyglaze.com/eiqkqrqcnj We all want to give our kids incredible memories for years to come and to celebrate the day they entered the world. But, let’s face it, the birthday party trend has gotten out of control. With large groups, rented facilities, mounds of presents, moon bouncers, over the top gift bags and custom cakes do our kids really need all of that excess? Sorry, but no. Not to mention when parents start off large, your child’s expectations will grow each year wanting a bigger celebration than the last. Bigger isn’t better. Making a memory is what’s important.
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10 Tips To Plan A Birthday Party On A Budget
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Great tips. I feel like birthday parties have become a competition these days. As in, “My child’s birthday will be better than yours.” It doesn’t have to be crazy lavish. Kids just love to be with friends and play.
I don’t even throw a party every year for my kids. We try to do SOMETHING special, but we have to keep it in budget. I think one of the most important things we do is be REALLY NICE to the birthday girl/boy. Don’t forget about cupcakes for school! One more thing for this overworked mommy to cook 🙂