How To Fake Fall

Tramadol Rx Online Fall is my favorite season. I grew up in Illinois surrounded by changing leaves, fields of pumpkins and apple orchards. I have so many fond memories of fall from my childhood. My grandmother would rake leaves that my siblings and I would jump in. We wore our cute sweaters and scarves and sipped hot chocolate. I’m not saying it was a Norman Rockwell painting, but it was close. For the last five years I have lived with my family in Los Angeles. Yes, California weather is beautiful almost every day, but there’s a catch. No seasons. Which of course means missing my favorite season, fall. Being the Type A control freak I am, I refuse to miss out on something I love so much so, each year I fake it.

How To Fake Fall

  • Buy Fall Scented Candles (pumpkin pie is my favorite)
  •  Decorate Your Home For Fall
  • Choose a Fall Picture for your Desktop
  • Make Carmel Apples & Apple Pie
  •  Sip On Hot Chocolate (after dark for that fall effect)
  •  Make Soup & Chili
  • Wear Scarves & Sweaters (turn on the A/C if necessary) This year a friend of mine from back home sent me a fall gift basket. She took pictures so I could have a screen saver slideshow. She also included my favorite candle and matching “pumpkin air freshener.” Again to those who get to enjoy real fall this list will appear pathetic, but it truly is my coping mechanism to avoid full on fall withdrawal depression. Someday I plan to go back and enjoy the changing leaves. Each year I make my husband promise that when the kids are all grown he’ll take me on the New England Fall cruise I’ve dreamt of for years. But for now I’m going to brew a cup of pumpkin spice tea and pretend I’m sitting with my grandma on her front porch wearing a cute sweater as we chat and watch the falling leaves.

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1 Comments on “How To Fake Fall

  1. I take perverse pleasure in calling my sister and telling her that I’m watching the leaves fall… or that my neighbor’s tree is gorgeous vibrant orange hue! This is the time of year where the jokes on my though. Fall may not be officially over, but it’s cold and rainy. All the trees are ugly and “naked” and I’m bracing myself for when the snow comes!