The Prudent Homemaker

First off I need to say that I should let Joquena or Bethany review this amazing site because they are the ones who told me about it. That being said, sorry guys, but you snooze you lose. I became a follower of The Prudent Homemaker a couple years ago. My husband and I decided to become dedicated to paying off debt (thanks for the push to be responsible recession) and therefore needed to lower monthly expenses. One of our largest budget categories was groceries. My sister Joquena (the frugal one) jumped at the chance to educate me on all the ways I could cut monthly costs. I knew that we would never be the family to make our own soap and napkins, but I could cut back on pre-packaged snack foods and meals. Thus began my journey into The Prudent Homemaker website.

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Top 3 Favorites Recipes Minestrone Soup

go to link Walnut Muffins Chocolate Pudding Popsicles

see You can’t help but be instantly drawn into The Prudent Homemaker site. The pictures she takes of her recipes are stunning. I went right to work making my own snack foods. Muffins are cheap, easy and a huge hit around our house. I then started to cut down on my breakfast costs with making and freezing large batches of waffles and pancakes. The kids can heat up their own in the morning and it’s a fraction of the price of cereal.

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go here source url Don’t worry my kids don’t OD on carbs. Every meal also has healthy portions of fresh fruits and veggies.

enter I was loving the effects of the changes on our pocketbook. I was an official follower. Like a true fan I started to discover more about the story of why the site was created.

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Buy D10 Diazepam This site is dedicated to all those who struggle to put food on the table.  -Brandy

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get link Brandy (the brains and beauty behind The Prudent Homemaker) is a stay-at-home-mother whose husband lost his job. Not knowing when he would find employment again she provided food for her family from her pantry storage. On her website she provides menu plans and shopping lists to help other families build up their pantry incase of a time of need.

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go site If you are at a low point and struggling with income in this economy you need to check out this site. You will be inspired to be the best you can be for your family at all times. Don’t take my word. You be the judge. Check out Brandy’s site at Spend some time clicking around. She has her “Menus & Recipes” sorted by season and pantry only which is super helpful when meal planning.

enter site You will also be encouraged by Brandy’s positive message that what we do as mothers is valuable.

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source url “Homemaking is the highest, most noble profession to which a woman might aspire.”  –Flora Benson


click If there was a Homemaking Hall-of-Fame Brandy at the Prudent Homemaker would be in it.

here Learn more about Brandy at

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3 Comments on “The Prudent Homemaker

  1. follow site I have to give finders credit to Bethany… it’s one of my favorite sites but she found it first. I go to this site, not just for recipes but for encouragement. Let’s face it being a mom is hard. Most days my only feedback comes from the 4-6 year olds and my husband. It’s really hard to ever feel like you have an accomplishment when everything you do (cooking, cleaning, bathing the kids etc.) needs to be redone the very next day! Add financial struggles to that and it’s even harder to find peace. There’s an inspirational section on this site that I just love. It may be hard to remember every time I wipe down a table… or a nose… but what we do as mothers is VERY important and worthwhile.

    • Hi Brandy. Love the new website. Thanks for letting me know about the links. They’re all fixed now. My sisters and I are all huge fans of yours. There have been many times at the end of the month that your pantry recipes kept my family fed. Especially lately with the economy there seems to be more month than money. I’m always giving your link to Mom’s who deal with making the grocery dollars stretch. Thanks again.